Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Blessings vs. Grace

I was thinking about how some people have everything while others have very little. I thought, "Why is there more grace for some than others?" I believe the answer is not that one has been given more grace, just more blessings.

Say there is someone who was raised by a great family, has lots of money, lives in a nice neighborhood, has great relationships and works in a great environment. Another person has very little materialistically speaking but is very content to commune with God with very few material goods. BOTH are happy...

One has many blessings while the other has been given grace to appreciate what they have. I think it comes down to relationship with God. If you are humbling yourself before God, you are receiving grace to relate to God. You are positioning yourself to receive GRACE not just stuff! You are being freed to focus on God and to know Him.

So, to summarize: a blessing is something material, or tangible or rewarding emotionally while grace is God's giving us eyes to see Him as bigger and greater.


Blogger Matthew Bartko said...

That is good insight. Thanks for sharing.

9:15 AM  
Blogger Domenica said...

Lisa, how nice to see you blogging again after all these years! :)
I would have to add that the one who has been "shafted" in the eyes of this world has many blessings as well, as God does not withhold any good gift from His children and the blessing may lie in the fact that if that person had what the one with everything had, then they would not see their need for HIM, therefore, his blessing is in not receiving material gifts. just a thought.
I love ya!

4:05 PM  

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