Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Comfort? Or God's Glory?

I started my job last August. I remember praying that God would make His glory more important to me than my own comfort. What a dangerous prayer! (I would not recommend it for pregant mothers or those with with a heart condition. :-) )

This past year at my job has been such a challenge for me. I don't believe I am using any of my strengths or gifts and I just totally lack any interest in financial matters. Accounts Payable is not the place for me!

As I was praying today, this verse came to mind: "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9 YES!

It hit me. Here I am praying for God's glory to be my concern and I suddenly realized that this past year has been a lesson in learning that, apart from Jesus, God's glory will NEVER be my first concern!

I think the process of switching my focus from my comfort to God's glory is a slow one that will not be learned from one season of life. I think the main thing that God has shown me is that in order to do anything, want anything, know anything that is worth anything, I need a Savior to intercede and filter my thoughts and actions.

I need a Savior for forgiveness. BUT! The reason I need forgiveness is not for the sake of merely feeling good and knowing I'm clean. The point is to clear my vision so that I would be freed from distraction (sin) and be able to see God for who He is; BIG... BEAUTIFUL... SOVEREIGN! That way, no matter how big the challenge, my eyes are not on me but on Him. And, THEN I will be able to have a relationship with Him. AND THEN, His glory will be my concern, not my comfort!

Jesus, I need You so much! I need You to help me lift my chin and open my eyes to gaze at the Father. Apart from You, I am blind and headed down the wrong path. I desire Your glory, Lord, but certainly not all the time and definitely not perfectly... that's why I need You, Jesus. I fall short. Would you please give me grace and intercede on my behalf? I'm desperate for you! Thank you for winning the battle and allowing me to glean from your finished work on the cross.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No gimmicks--just a powerful free tool to use when forgiving at www.innertalk.com

5:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The blog world is a great source of info. There are some free subliminal tools for fear and promoting forgiveness at www.innertalk.com/ They work for me.

4:23 PM  
Blogger alex said...

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4:43 PM  
Blogger alex said...

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1:12 AM  
Blogger alex said...

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8:25 AM  
Blogger alex said...

There she comes now, explained Sister Poteet, and as I live the deacon drove her here vicodin in his sleigh, and he's waiting while she comes in.. What do you ask for meals and lodging until this time thyroid to-morrow? he interrupted.. Age is no protection pravachol against folly.. I therefore content myself with the mere assertion, and will cite an example, zocor not for conviction but for explication.. Otherwise we could not explain the fact lexapro of our being always awakened by stimuli of certain quality.. Ingham, I hope your friend Augusta is zithromax better.. Before he could rise, she pulled him back into his alprazolam seat.. The old man was not conscious of codeine the sarcasm.. And I have known him sometimes to reply with a kind of dry, sad humor, not as if he enjoyed the joke, but as if the joke must be made, that he saw no reason why flexeril I should be dull because the season was so.. Called! grunted zantac Ross.. Matt Pike was much amused by such degradation--however, he must say that they were all first-rate. estradiol. This is trileptal the same manner of consenting to a wish-fulfillment which the queen of the Parthians chose for the triumvir Crassus.. Gideon's health tamiflu was watched over as if he had been an ailing prince.. The manifold problems butalbital of consciousness in their entirety can be examined only through an analysis of the hysterical mental process.. He wished to brace his flagging spirits with the gay wine of possession, and he was glad, calcium when the money came, that it was in an elastic-bound roll, so bulky that it was pleasantly uncomfortable in his pocket as he left his manager...

1:18 PM  
Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

6:43 AM  
Blogger Matthew Bartko said...

hey blog more :)

9:15 AM  

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